Youth Ministry Group Lessons –

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Followers of Jesus Christ are all called to be leaders. If a ship didn’t have a captain, the ship would run ashore. If a team didn’t have a coach, they would never win. If a high school class didn’t have a teacher, no one would ever learn.

Having specific goals for yourself and your youth ministry are a necessity to being successful. Your students need to be clear on what is expected of them. Without being specific with students, you will lose their attention and productivity.

Here is an Ice Breaker to get your youth group thinking on their toes. When you hear a name of a place, or a person or thing, what can you relate to it? There are a lot of answers, but the group must hurry, you only have a few seconds!

Here are 5 wise tips for running and organizing a youth group meeting. As the leader of your youth group set the example of how to behave and let the students know what you expect out of everyone so that there is a shared positive experience!

The relationships your students have with their parents can be a tough subject for some. Sometimes teens don’t want to honor their parents. But we should always reinforce that by honoring our parents we are honoring God.

This Ice Breaker is a great way to have a little fun describing yourself and classmates. Get the brain running and be positive, describe your own best qualities and make your friends feel good by describing them with positive words.

Whenever teens think of a crisis, they usually concentrate on the bad. Make it clear that in crisis there is opportunity.Maybe a relationship has taken a turn, or maybe they flunked a test. Whatever the issue, the fact is they are still here.

Upside down, downside up, front side up, any which way. A great game that can be done anywhere, that is a great brain tumbler and gets the students thinking. This can be done with groups or every man for themselves!

Youth Ministry Lessons and Youth Group Resources © 2012