What do you get when you combine your youth ministry and the song “12 Days of Christmas”? A lot of fun! Add in a little creativity and everyone will be having a great time as a group. So don’t be shy and get ready to do a little singing!
Your youth group students have limitations put on themselves by others, and also themselves. Your students have great strengths and gifts that are held back by their limitations. Let’s recognize these limitations and break through them!
Here is a great icebreaker for any youth group to use at the beginning of class time. Gather up some quarters and get ready to share a little bit about your life, every quarter will have it’s own story after this Ice Breaker!
Christians, Muslims and other faiths are divided over the proposed Islamic community located near “Ground Zero”. Emotions are high on both sides of the argument, how do your youth group student’s feel about it?
Here is a great game for this time of year when it starts to get cold outside. The great part of this game is that it can be the beginning of a great outreach program to help members of your community who may be less fortunate.
Staying focused for your youth group students can be a daily challenge. There are many distractions that all of us deal with, some are from outside influences and some are self inflicted. No matter where they come from, let’s kick them!
Your youth group students are just like every other teen in the world, they have a lot of negative influences affecting them on a daily basis. Let’s identify the negative influences on your youth ministry students and work on eliminating them!
The worshipers at Our Lady of Salvation Church in Baghdad heard the shots and explosions about 20 minutes after Sunday mass had begun. What unfolded next was a horrible event that shows the reality of life for Christians in Iraq.