Youth Ministry Group Lessons –

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sometimes we find ourselves stuck, and need to explore the reasons why we are stuck. With some simple self-exploration you can encoruage your youth ministry students to pinpoint the areas in their lives that require change.

In this youth ministry reflection we will make the statement that “Obstacles Do Not Faze Me!” It is important for your students to realize that anything worth doing comes with its own challenges, and can be overcome with the help of God!

Emotional abuse can erode your feelings of self-worth and chip away at the happiness you deserve. How can you help your youth ministry students recognize the signs of abuse so they can take steps to protect themselves?

In this youth ministry reflection we will be covering the nourishing of one’s mind, body, and soul! If your students give their mind, body, and soul what they crave,  it will allow your students to live the most fulfilling lives.

It’s easy for your youth ministry students to get caught up with worries during difficult times. They may think that finding joy involves a great deal of work or money. This isn’t true at all – there are plenty of ways to create joy!

On TV and in the media there are tons of unrealistic images of women. Unfortunately, that rubs off on the female members of your youth ministry. Chances are they feel the need to have unrealistic weight goals and a distorted body image.

If your youth ministry students don’t learn to control their anger, they can destroy the relationships in their lives and can also cause physical and emotional harm to everyone. Here is a great breakdown on anger to share.

One of the issues your youth ministry students will deal with is guilt. Whether or not your students think they actually “deserve” the guilt, you must express to them that it’s never a healthy emotion to hold onto in your life.

Youth Ministry Lessons and Youth Group Resources © 2012