Youth Ministry Group Lessons –

Sunday, September 8, 2024

In front of teenage girls, Lady Gaga confessed that she struggled with an eating disorder in high school. She was one of the thousands of teenage girls who gag themselves, purging their bodies of what they have just eaten in the horrible disease called bulimia.

A heartbreaking story has made headlines that reminded everyone to have compassion, no matter what side of the homosexuality debate they are on. A young man has been charged with intimidation of a hate crime, invasion of privacy and hindering apprehension.

Perhaps one of the greatest online security measures that has been pounded into the heads of teenagers is the importance of password safety. Teenagers are advised against sharing passwords with boyfriends or girlfriends as a way to show commitment.

Those hit the hardest in economic downturns are the poor. Included in that segment are refugees, families that have benefited from fleeing persecution and death in their home countries, but are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet in the current economy.

When most people sit down to consume a beverage at Starbucks, the last thing they have to worry about is the contents of their beverage. Few, if any, knew that for years they might have been consuming crushed bugs in their beverages…WHAT!?!

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