Youth Ministry Group Lessons –

Sunday, September 8, 2024

America is still the land of plenty and in this land of plenty, Americans like to spend their money! Americans spend trillions of dollars each year but how exactly are they spending their money? A recent series conducted by NPRadio tracked what Americans buy.

When you say the words “gay tolerance” and “the Catholic Church” one does not exactly see peaceful coexistence. It is no secret that the Catholic Church has struggled through the issues of sexual orientation and still seem divided when it comes to taking a stance.

Living in a country of freedom, it can be easy to forget that there are others around the world that cannot proclaim Christ. There are still many places around the world that mosques and pagan temples are more welcomed structures then steeples and crosses.

More than ten million viewers watched the 2010-2011 season of “Glee”, many of whom are in the same stage of high school that the actors portray. The show has touched on many controversial topics but perhaps an episode aired recently was about as close to the edge as they’ve come.

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