Youth Ministry Group Lessons –

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Youth Group Lessons: In the current economy school districts find themselves scrambling to make ends, more and more teachers are facing the hard decisions about whether to stay in education or move on to something more lucrative.

Youth Ministry Lessons: The 21st century marked the invention of the smart phone. What users of smart phones may not realize, however, is that something so small is actually having pretty intense consequences on their overall health.

Youth Ministry Lessons: When you live in a country of religious freedom, it can be easy to overlook those who are being persecuted for their faith and in a worse case scenario, laying down their lives for the cause of Christ.

Youth Ministry Lessons: Once a foreign concept, sexting has become a standard word in the vocabulary for many teenagers. Sending sexually suggestive pictures might be exciting to them, but few understand the risks for the possible serious psychological distress.

Youth Ministry Lessons: More than 1 billion people around the world live on less than $1 a day. A staggering figure considering that amount is often used to feed families of four, five or more people. People around the world are starving while others live in abundance.

Youth Ministry Lessons: While women have been fighting for equality for decades, it seems that when it comes to the upper management positions in business and in the church, it is still a man’s world.

Youth Ministry Lessons and Youth Group Resources © 2012