This Ice Breaker is a quick way to learn a little bit about your students while having fun as a group. Can you guess which item is false? Get the entire group engaged and having fun in this great quick class starting ice breaker!
Materials: None.
Inside or Outside: Inside
This ice breaker brings the entire youth group together in one big circle.
Ask everyone in the circle to think of 2 things that are true about themselves, and one thing that is false.
For example if I were to think of 2 things that were true:
My family owns a beach house in Florida, and my favorite candy is Reese’s Peanut butter cup.
I have gone sky diving is false.
Have each person say the three things they thought of out loud to the class.
The class as a group then must vote on which of the 3 is the false item.
This is a great way to express everyone’s interests and to learn a little bit about every student.