Youth Ministry Group Lessons –

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Youth Ministry Lessons: Many churches are beginning to add ministries to their roster that service to those in their congregation that don’t have the ability to speak (woof woof) for themselves as well as their owners.

Youth Ministry Lessons: For many Christians the advances of modern medicine are embraced. Conversely, however, there is a vein of Christianity that shuns professional medical attention and chooses to operate strictly from a faith healing perspective.

Youth Group Lessons: Mexico continues to be the main source of illegal drugs for the United States. The US Government is constantly on the lookout for illegal activity as they try to curb the spread of drugs from the border.

Youth Group Lessons: When parents begin searching online and head out to shopping centers every Fall for back-to-school deals, it is usually without controversy, but when parents see an item for sale that they don’t like…watch out!

Youth Ministry Lessons: When you drive around an average American suburb, chances are you will see well-kept lawns and neat, tidy, little rows of houses. What you won’t usually find, however, is a 25-foot cross stuck on the front lawn.

Youth Ministry Lessons: Over 70% of American adults drink, so it’s not surprising that many teenagers have seen their parents drink alcohol. And now in a recent study, the effects of parent drinking on teen responsibility has been examined.

Youth Group Lessons: Throughout the years there have been dangerous games that teenagers play for a momentary high that can actually lead to serious brain damage and, in extreme cases, even death.

Youth Group Lessons: Ask any parent the key to raising drug-free kids, things like love, close supervision and an awareness of faith would come up. While these are important, there is evidence that something even simpler is the key to keeping teens off drugs.

Youth Ministry Lessons and Youth Group Resources © 2012