Youth Ministry Reflection: Regardless of who is around me, I remain true to what I believe. I am strong enough to overcome the temptation of compromising my principles to gain popularity. I find the courage to stand up for what I believe, even if I am standing alone.
Youth Ministry Reflection: I pray to bring total healing to my body, mind, and soul. I like to feel complete and balanced. If I only heal parts of myself, I am not balanced. Praying helps bring balance to my life.
Youth Ministry Reflection: Faith Fuels My Ambitions. Although I can only see what is right in front of me, I am not merely limited by the physical realm. Faith reminds me that there is much more to life than what my eyes can see.
Youth Ministry Reflection: Cell Phone Safety. Getting a driver’s license is an extremely exciting time for your students. But there are some things we need to constantly remind them about when it comes to multitasking behind the wheel.
Youth Ministry Reflection:I Give To Others. Many times teenagers are focused on what they receive, or the lack there of. But we need to show our students that when we give to others we are doing what God calls us all to do.
Youth Ministry Reflection:I Can Remain Calm in Times of Change. I remain calm in times of change because I know that change is how I attain growth. I keep myself open to change so I can recognize opportunities and take advantage of them.
Youth Ministry Reflection:I Turn Pressure Into Fuel. Pressure can either be a source of stress or an agent for change. With my positive determination, I choose to turn pressure into the fuel needed to take my productivity to the next level.
Youth Ministry Reflection: I let go of my tendency to try to be in control of everything. No longer do I have to be responsible for everything. It is much easier to focus on what I can control, instead of worrying about the things I cannot control!