Youth Ministry Group Lessons –

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Youth Ministry Lessons: Chances are at some point in your life you’ve heard a parent, teacher, grandparent, etc. shake their finger at you and warn, “Don’t cuss!” Chances also are, however, that your life is inundated with profanity, whether or not you realize it.

Many times, teachers can forget that not everyone on their friend list is a trusted individual and, more than once, have gotten in trouble for posting something on their Facebook wall that they have later regretted.

Youth Group Resources: Even though the majority of Americans claim to be Christian, the religious landscape of America is one of diversity, and that can lead to some interesting questions when it comes to freedom of faith.

Youth Ministry Resources: We all have seen teens hooked into their technology. But a new study has shown that while teens enjoy their communication over Facebook and text, they desire face to face communication the most.

In a recent article, a blogger took some time to highlight eleven problems that music can solve. So, the next time you are thinking about removing those ear buds and having an actual conversation, you might have a few good excuses to tune out the words of others.

While most students spend their entire academic careers focused on the letters A, B, C, D or F, many schools are considering using a similar system to help parents see the importance of being involved in their children’s education.

Youth Group Lessons: Move over mom and dad, in an age of accelerating rates of technological literacy, children view Google as the first to answer a difficult question or find information about a topic.

Youth Ministry Resources: What most parents don’t realize is that, if left unattended, the Internet can be a vast space of illegal and dangerous activity, especially for junior high and high school students.

Youth Ministry Lessons and Youth Group Resources © 2012