Youth Ministry Group Lessons –

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Youth Group Lessons: How has technology changed the way that we handle love relationships? For many teenagers, physical intimacy involves sharing a deeply personal part of their lives: passwords.

Prior to 9/11, air travel in America was a relatively relaxing experience. Now, thanks to a post terrorist-attack world and the reality of the skies no longer being a blanket of safety for air passengers, a trip to the airport seems more like an entrance into a prison ward.

A heartbreaking story has made headlines that reminded everyone to have compassion, no matter what side of the homosexuality debate they are on. A young man has been charged with intimidation of a hate crime, invasion of privacy and hindering apprehension.

Perhaps one of the greatest online security measures that has been pounded into the heads of teenagers is the importance of password safety. Teenagers are advised against sharing passwords with boyfriends or girlfriends as a way to show commitment.

In case you haven’t realized it yet, that is, in case you’ve been living in a dark tunnel with no access to any kind of media whatsoever, then you know that anything you post online is permanent. Every picture is there for eternity.

Youth Ministry Lessons: If teenagers are sick of hearing it from teachers, parents and online authorities, then maybe that’s because they are finally listening to warnings about online security and acting upon them.

Youth Ministry Lessons: Facebook users tend to share very personal information and rely on the social media giant to keep the information private. What many don’t realize, however, is that privacy and Facebook don’t necessarily go hand-in-hand.

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