Youth Ministry Group Lessons –

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Youth Ministry Lessons: Even though it the Christmas season, more and more government buildings are being targeted for displaying what some consider to be overly Christian decorations on government property.

Youth Ministry Lessons: The Christmas tree has long been a symbol of the Christmas holiday, but this year people around the country might be seeing less and less of the trimmed and decorated trees.

Youth Ministry Lessons: For many Christians the advances of modern medicine are embraced. Conversely, however, there is a vein of Christianity that shuns professional medical attention and chooses to operate strictly from a faith healing perspective.

Often you hear about religious individuals being excluded because of their faith. Some schools do not allow students to say the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance and words such as “God” or “Christ” have been banned at graduations…

Youth Group Lessons: When parents begin searching online and head out to shopping centers every Fall for back-to-school deals, it is usually without controversy, but when parents see an item for sale that they don’t like…watch out!

Youth Ministry Lessons: “Prophet” is not a title that many would claim in developed countries, yet in many areas of the world, prophets are alive and well, and making a rather good living off of their soothsaying.

When a highschool student in the state of Virginia submitted her volunteer hours for the national honors society program, she was told that all 46 hours were declined, simply because her work was affiliated with her faith.

As more predictions about the end of the world surface and different parts of the country face natural disasters that leave people without power for weeks, many individuals have begun preparing for the worst…

Youth Ministry Lessons and Youth Group Resources © 2012