Youth Ministry Lessons: As words like “Google” and “Online’ are common occurrences in the vocabularies of children and teenagers, more and more schools are coming up with creative ways to help children navigate the world of the Internet.
Many teenagers will push the boundaries when they feel their personal identity has been attacked. When a school’s rules seem too constrictive, it can even put parents on the defensive.
Youth Group Lessons: Great teachers are leaving positions not because of troublesome students, but because of “helicopter parents” who refuse to believe their children could do wrong and are ready to swoop in when they do, to rescue them from any consequences.
Youth Ministry Resources: Some people are saying that a Master’s Degree is the new Bachelor’s meaning that the standard of academic achievement has been raised. It seems that a college degree is simply not enough to have an advantage in the marketplace.
Youth Ministry Resources: “Sexual harassment” is usually associated with the workplace and not school, however, the numbers of middle school students who feel harassed at school are alarmingly high.
Youth Ministry Resources: It’s a story that has shocked parents, educators and students all around the nation. It is the story of a teacher that abused his position as an elementary school teacher to force hundreds of students into inappropriate sexual activity.
Youth Group Lessons: South Korea is known for its competitive environment. When children are young they are enrolled in tutoring classes, prepping for college entrance exams from childhood. And the stress of this can be too much for some.
Youth Resources:In the 1960’s schools battled on jeans, in the 70’s arguments arose bell-bottoms in the classroom, the 80’s saw the rise of students wearing fishnet stockings and fingerless gloves, now it’s all about comfort.