Youth Ministry Group Lessons –

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Youth Group Lessons: Ask any parent the key to raising drug-free kids, things like love, close supervision and an awareness of faith would come up. While these are important, there is evidence that something even simpler is the key to keeping teens off drugs.

As more predictions about the end of the world surface and different parts of the country face natural disasters that leave people without power for weeks, many individuals have begun preparing for the worst…

Youth Group Lessons: Who doesn’t love a good corn maze, right? Well we know of at least one family from Massachusetts. Their family day out took a disastrous turn when they found themselves lost in a autumn themed corn maze, which led to a call to 911!

Youth Group Lessons: Parents should do everything to keep their children safe and secure from all harm. For many children who are the victim’s of child abuse, however, they face harm at the hands of the ones who should be protecting them: their parents.

Youth Discussion Lessons: There are now medical tests for everything regarding the health of a mother-to-be and her unborn baby. The health of an baby can be constantly monitored, which is why there are so many questions when something goes wrong.

Youth Ministry Lessons: Divorce is an ugly reality in America and it doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon. The fact that almost fifty percent of marriages end means that thousands of children in the United States are left in single parent homes.

Youth Ministry Lessons: For generations the symbol of freedom has been the automobile. Ask any baby boomer and they can probably describe every detail of their first car, but that has been changing and something else seems to be giving teens their freedom.

Youth Group Resources: Even though the majority of Americans claim to be Christian, the religious landscape of America is one of diversity, and that can lead to some interesting questions when it comes to freedom of faith.

Youth Ministry Lessons and Youth Group Resources © 2012