Youth Ministry Group Lessons –

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Youth Ministry Lessons: For many Christians the advances of modern medicine are embraced. Conversely, however, there is a vein of Christianity that shuns professional medical attention and chooses to operate strictly from a faith healing perspective.

Youth Group Lessons: Throughout the years there have been dangerous games that teenagers play for a momentary high that can actually lead to serious brain damage and, in extreme cases, even death.

Youth Group Lessons: We can all be picky eaters at times, but when a young girl recently collapsed at work and was taken to the hospital, doctors finally diagnosed her health ailments: nothing but nuggets has consequences.

Youth Ministry Lessons: One might think that it takes an intense personal trainer screaming in your face to make a difference. For one young man, however, he found the motivation within himself to drop over 130 pounds.

For inmates that are mentally ill, certain things about prison life can actually worsen their mental illness and reformers are calling for changes, specifically changes in regards to how mentally ill prisoners are punished with the prison itself.

Youth Group Lessons: In a recent study looking at teenage girls and boys from vulnerable backgrounds, the results showed one thing: emotional and sexual abuse is so common that those abused don’t even consider it a crime.

When it comes to injuries sustained at fast food restaurants, it seems there is a never-ending stream of stories. Some seem to be urban legend and some have the glimmer of truth, and this story is likely to make your stomach churn.

Youth Ministry Lessons: As childhood obesity is on the minds of many lawmakers, politicians in one state are facing major blowback for the rather graphic ads that the state has released as part of an anti-childhood obesity campaign.

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