Youth Ministry Group Lessons –

Sunday, September 8, 2024

We all do it at one time or another; we worry about things that we have no control over. We worry about things that can be solved with just a little effort, and instead of working to solve the problem, we become preoccupied worrying about it.

Everyone into a big circle because we are about to get a little funny and crazy! A great game to get everyone laughing. You definitely cannot take yourself too seriously if you are going to play this, loosen up and have a great time!

This Ice Breaker is a little crazy, and you definitely need to take the plunge and start this one off! Encourage everyone to take part and have a good time, have a little bit of music going and get ready to get funky!

God is with us at all times, God supports us, and loves us. God also believes in us, but there are times when we don’t believe in ourselves. There are times when negative thoughts creep into our minds and hold us back from being as excellent as we can be as children of God.

Summer time means fun in the great outdoors. Get your youth group outside and have a good filling meal together. Invite your family and friends, and tell them to invite anyone they would like to bring along to have a great time together!

This game brings the youth group together on the same team. A great game to get the brain running, and a great way to get everyone involved. Just get ready for a little yelling and fun, because as soon as you have ideas…shout them out!

In 2007 The Bucket List Starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman was a big time hit for movie goers. The movie was two older men accomplishing goals before dying. So what do you want to do with your life?

Hey! It’s Jamie, and I am excited to say that we are opening up

Over the next few weeks we start uploading material including weekly Bible lessons and tons more of high quality material for you to use in your Youth Ministry!

God Bless!

Youth Ministry Lessons and Youth Group Resources © 2012