Youth Ministry Group Lessons –

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Daily Scripture For Youth – “Lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be redeemed among the nations” (Numbers 23:9) Who would wish to dwell among the nations and to be numbered with them?…

Youth Ministry Lessons: It’s a clothing trend that continues to offend, affectionately called “saggy pants”. The trend has always offended and now cities throughout the country are taking steps to punish the young men who wear their pants too low.

Daily Scripture For Youth -“If the LORD were pleased to kill us, He would not have received a burnt offering and a meat offering at our hands, neither would He have showed us all these thing” (Judges 13:23)…

Daily Scripture For Youth – “And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live”  (Ezekiel 47:9) The living waters, in the prophet’s vision, flowed into the Dead Sea and…

Youth Group Lessons: If you were to ask one hundred teenagers to describe their high school, you would receive a myriad of responses. And according to a new documentary, the descriptions wouldn’t be positive at all.

Daily Scripture For Youth – “So shall we ever be with the LORD”(1 Thessalonians 4:17). While we are here the LORD is with us, and when we are called away we are with Him. There is no dividing the saint from His Savior…

Youth Group Resources: The next time you go to the movie theatre or pop in a DVD at home, take a few minutes to consider how much alcohol consumption the movie portrays, and take note of specific brands of alcohol the actors are consuming in the movie.

Youth Ministry: If you asked a teenager to define the word “cheating”, chances are you might be surprised. With the rise of technology, teens are engaging in behavior that, while fitting the textbook definition of cheating, is so commonplace that it isn’t a big deal.

Youth Ministry Lessons and Youth Group Resources © 2012