Youth Ministry Group Lessons –

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Whenever teens think of a crisis, they usually concentrate on the bad. Make it clear that in crisis there is opportunity.Maybe a relationship has taken a turn, or maybe they flunked a test. Whatever the issue, the fact is they are still here.

Upside down, downside up, front side up, any which way. A great game that can be done anywhere, that is a great brain tumbler and gets the students thinking. This can be done with groups or every man for themselves!

Being realistic is a lesson for your students, and you. Being realistic is important when setting goals for your youth group in every situation. Having realistic expectations and goals, sets your youth group up for success every single time.

Let’s all do our part to make our environment a little cleaner. Gather up your youth group and unite to make an Earth Cleaning Super Team!… Or just a bunch of good people picking up other people’s trash to help out the community.

Simple game we have all played at one time or another. An oldie but a goodie! Simple rules and doesn’t take anytime to set up! Do you have what it takes to be the champion? This one will get the whole group laughing!

Here is an Ice Breaker to get everyone up and jumping! An easy way to get the blood pumping while answering questions! You have two choices, and you have to pick 1 OR 2, so which is it? Get ready to Jump!

Now let’s be fair, we all know it can be difficult to stay motivated for task that does not interest us, maybe studying for a tough math exam? When we find ourselves in the situation we need to ask God for support and guidance.

A simple game for your youth ministry that can be done anywhere with a small group or a large group. If you are going to play inside just make sure you have enough space to move around a little! Great for teamwork, and a ton of fun!

Youth Ministry Lessons and Youth Group Resources © 2012